Wednesday, July 9, 2008

main event day 2

uh oh.... i dropped down to 25k, built back up to 46k, and on the last hand before break, picked up ak of diamonds on the button. mp raises to 2900. i decide to reraise to 9000. mp goes all in for a total of about 34k. 25k more to call into a pot of 21k is pretty easy, especially since i have chips left if i lose. unfortunately he has aces. one diamond comes on the flop, and a k on the turn, but no miracle river, and i am very crippled. i have an m jus above 4 , so i get to play shovebot poker for a bit. send me your goodluck vibes!


Nationwide Consultants said...

We are with you all the way.
You don't just get luck.
Luck comes to those who excel.
You can do it! You can do it!
Keep us posted. We're rooting hard for you! Love you!
Dad & Fay

Unknown said...

Yes you can!
Yes you can!
Yes you can!