Saturday, July 5, 2008

main event

18575 at first break. I won a big pot early to get up to 24000 earlly, but gaveit back and more when I called down a guy who had been caught bluffing twice, but this time he had quads. i got dealt aces twice. the first time i took the blinds, the second time the bb called and the flop came kqx. i cbet and he called. j came on the turn, he checked and i decided to check. the river bricked and i called a half pot bet losing to kj. so i lost the abdolute minimum on that hand.

there is a woman celeb at my table, but i am not sure who she is. she looks like annie duke probably did in her early 20's.... i will try to find out who she is. another guy got queried about his average stack, which means he is well known as well, but not sure who he is.

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