Thursday, June 26, 2008

caesars megastack

2nd break finds me at 6100 in chips with blinds 300/600 and 100 ante. Not totally desparate yet but close. I got outplayed on one hand where I open limped 33 utg. blinds were 100 200, and i started hand with 7k or so. mp player raised to 600. blinds folded, flop came 996. i check-called 1200. a on turn and i checkfolded to another 1200 bet. guy showed kq for no pair. :( I did outlst that guy, which is a small consolation. one more hand - new player open limps 400 out of his 3600 stack. mp guy goes all in for 3900. limper thinks then calls all in with....q6 sooooooted! good call howver, as mp had 87o!

1 comment:

jhazen said...

6100 in chips with blinds 300/600 and 100 ante. Not totally desparate yet...

Really?!? On a 9-handed table, I calculate that as an M of 3.4. Sounds pretty desperate to me. Good luck doubling up (and more)!