Monday, March 3, 2008

First Post

We San Jose Migdols (as Grandpa Migdol loves to call us) have so much going on right now that I feel compelled to share. Here's just a sampling of what's going on:

Will is starting back with Soccer tomorrow, adding to Cub Scouts for his extracurricular activities.

Kayleigh is taking a break from dancing, but is taking Golf lessons and Cheerleading in addition to Girl Scouts.

Monique is rapidly approaching the end of her stint as Volunteer Recognition Lunch chair in the San Jose Junior League. Last Friday she got tagged at the last minute to act as event coordinator for the Fashion Show when the person who was supposed to do it got sick. Go, Monique.

And myself?
  • Recovering from a REALLY nasty flu which turned into bronchitis and an eye infection
  • Super busy at work working on an exciting new project
  • Making some progress with GooGooGram and excited about a possible partnership opportunity
  • Put up a webcam this weekend to highlight the hummingbird who has nested in our front yard. Check it out at (Don't forget the :81 !)
  • I'm applying to EMBA programs at Wharton and Berkeley-Columbia. My apps are all done, and my last interview is Monday afternoon. Wish me luck. Notifications are in mid-April.
  • I won a $10,000 entry into the World Poker Tour Shooting Star event here in San Jose. I begin play on March 11th, and will be posting updates here.
  • I've been trying to get an in-dash Navigation System installed into the Odyssey. My attempt at self-installation has failed so now I get the privilege of paying Fry's $150 to do it for me. :-(
Anyways, it's later, but I'll post more about my interview tomorrow... Have a great day!

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