Friday, March 7, 2008

bored at the eye doctor

So, I am sitting here waiting at the eye doctor and thought I would post a few words.

Watched the American Idol elimination episode last night. I was really sad to see A'siah go... she really struck me as having a lot of pop star potential, and she won me over on her audition episode. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the sad story. I do like David A, but man, that little chuckle he has bugs the shit out of me...

Played some 5-200 at GC for a bit last night. Holding 87 in the BB, loose utg limps, new player raises to 25, 3 callers, i call. I flop the nuts on a rainbow board, lead out for $50, called by the original raiser. The turn is a safe-looking 6. I bet $100, raiser goes all in, I call, he shows 65. Sigh. I guess thats why you raise with those hands, but.... never works that way for me. :( It was a great table though, and I bounced back from down $300 to only down $75.

oh one last hand. I raise one limper to $25 holding AKo. Called by 3 players including one megafish. Flop 322. I bet $60, megafish calls leaving $20 in his stack. He has been making that kind of call all night with crap, and I put him on kq or kj. J comes on turn, I put him all in, he calls and shows qj. no help on the river. sigh again. I run soooooo bad at GC 5-200.

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