Monday, March 31, 2008


got word for wharton today - i was waitlisted. :( hopefully better news from berkeley coming soon....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hump day

Well, it has been quite a week already. On Sunday we had some friends over for an Easter cookout. We had some yummy tri-tip, chicken, and hot dogs. The kids played Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii while the adults chatted.

Monday, there were some posts on the Business Week B-School forums that Wharton admit notifications were made by phone on Easter Sunday. I hadn't gotten the call and was a little worried until eventually people realized that that the notifications had only gone out to those who had requested early notification. So the waiting begins again...Most people on the forums (who I should know better than to trust by now) are anticipating results at the end of this week, despite the official notification deadline of 4/15.

Yesterday, I left work a little early to get ready for our Den Meeting. When I got home, I noticed something different about the hummingbirds -- one was perched on the side of the nest. They have been looking ready to fly for a couple of days now. Naturally, I got the camera out and shot a couple of pics, but I must have gotten too close, because one of them suddenly flew out of the nest! He (she?) flew over the roof of the house, and I have not seen him (her?) since.

The remaining baby was looking quite lonely, and I quickly set up our webcam to record to try to catch her (his?) first flight. We were soon treated to a visit from the mama bird, who came back to the nest briefly, seemingly to give some encouragement to the remaining baby. As of this morning, the baby is still there. I do have a video of the mama coming back posted. You will want to download it and view it in a bigger window than what's on the blog. Mama makes her appearance about 50 seconds into the video.

By the way, I finally fixed the port routing, so you can now see the video at (without the ":81" on the end)

Does anyone know about hummingbird babies? Once they fly out of the nest for the first time, are they expected to come back?

I caught American Idol last night and was glad to see a couple of my favorites, Kristy Lee Cook and Michael Johns, make some "breakout" performances. I think the two that are in trouble tonight are Jason Castro (how stoned was he last night?) and Chikezie. I was sad to see Amanada Overmyer go last week. I liked her style, although I knew she didn't have nearly enough charisma to survive this type of popularity contest.

lonesome hummingbird

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last (?) pic of the hummingbird siblings

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Mama hummingbird visits the lone sibling

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008


So I now have an entry in the CardPlayer database.

Here is a picture of me just after busting Layne Flack, with my peak of about 280K chips on Thursday.

One from

And the reporter from PokerPages was nice enough to send me these from Day 1b:

Hummingbird Babies Getting Fed

Hummingbird Babies Getting Fed

Picasa SlideshowPicasa Web AlbumsFullscreen
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Friday, March 14, 2008

shooting star final hand

Well, I woke up this morning and, yes, it was Friday, and no, the hand I busted out on was not a bad dream. Darn. As I told my friend Andrew, you know you probably made a bad play when you are posting about it on the 2+2 (poker discussion website) psychology forum instead of the tournament strategy forum. Ah well... life goes on.

For those of you who are interested, I started the hand with about 180k in chips, with blinds at 2k-4k and 500 ante. I had 63 suited diamonds on the button. Cutoff (guy to my right) open raises for 3x the blind. I call because I know this guy is a big bluffer. Still, this is not the kind of hand I want to call him down with if I make just 1 pair. So, the preflop call is probably a small mistake.

The flop comes J34 with one diamond and two clubs. He checks, and I bet 25k. He checkraises me to 55k. Now, I just outthought myself. I felt this guy would just call with his really strong hands, and that his checkraise was more of a "probe" bet, eg with a hand like pocket tens or nines. because I read him as weak (or at least not suprstrong), I felt like I could push him off of many hands better than mine, or, if he called, had a fair chance of outdrawing him on the turn or river. So I decided to try to take down the 80k pot right there by going all in.

He had KJ and called after a bit of thought. a 7 came on the turn, giving me a 3,5, or 6 as outs, but none came on the river.

Despite my "logic" above, the single biggest problem with my move is that I was at the "best" of the 4 remaining tables, the only table that did not have a pro on it. And, similar to a hand on wednesday when I took a conservative route because I thought I could take advantage of other weak players at the table, I should have done the same here. In the first two hours, a third of the remaining field of 36 had already busted. A bit more patience would probably have meant at least double my winnings.

So, one last time, I apologize to those who have been supporting me. I cannot begin to describe how much the excitement that you all have shown in this endeavor has meant to me. I have no doubt that I would not have gone as far as I did without all of you behind me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!

more hummingbird pics

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more hummingbird pics

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

shooting star day 3

i am out, total winnings of $25K. I sincerelly apologize to all investors for my final play. it wa/ a horrible blunder, all things considered. details are on, but i will post more on the hand later....

shooting star day 3

We are down to 23 players with the current prize level at $20k. Also, I collected a $5k bounty for busting Layne Flack. I have just over 200k in chips. Next update in 2 hrs.

shooting star day 3

michael went all in against layne flack and won and got the bounty

hummingbird babies are growing up!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wow.... just..... Wow....

As both my friend Ed and my wife has commented, the current feeling is more surreal than anything else. Today was an exercise in patience and finding the right time to make a couple of steals to survive until real hands came. I got moved to a table with Justin Bonomo (ZeeJustin of online fame) (I suck, that wasn't Justin), JC Tran, and a very aggressive Brandon Cantu. I played there for a couple of rounds and had about 35k in chips when I got moved to a table that included:

Anna Wroblewski
Jennifer Harmon
David Tran
Isabelle Mercier
Tuan Le
Lee Watkinson

This is what playing in a WPT event is all about!

Luckily, I quickly won 3 big pots: one with AK all in preflop vs AT (why do people keep calling my raises with AT?), one with a flush that I caught in a blind defense, and my 2nd rockets (AA) of the tournament got action from a short stack.

So now we play tomorrow, 6 6-handed tables. If (or as we positive thinkers say, when) we survive tomorrow, we will be down to 6 players, I will have $135K in prize money locked up, and the highly coveted chance to make a fool of myself on the worldwide-syndicated WPT program. :-) Oh, did I mention the $1 million for first?

My draw for tomorrow, which is posted at could be a lot worse. Layne Flack, with $93K in chips, is the bounty at the table. I'm glad I'm not at tables 2 or 5, which have 3 world-class players on them.

Tomorrow is 2-hour levels starting at 10:30 AM, so I expect my first update to be around 12:30 PM central time.

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support.

Oh, one hand story.

I was feeling pretty low, having just made a bad fold. I said, "I need help", and pulled out pics of the kids and put them in front of my chip stack. My next big blind, I called a small raise with 6-4 suited. I flopped an open ended straight draw, and check-called a small continuation bet. The turn got checked, and I caught the straight on the river. While I didn't get any action on the river, it was still a much-needed boost at a much-needed time. So thanks kids! And don't you ever let me catch you playing 6-4...

shooting star day 2

and we are done with day 2. 36 players remain, i now have 185k in chips. more later....

shooting star day 2

if you are a backer, please send me your social security number. i will need it asap.

shooting star day 2

Congratulations everyone we are IN THE MONEY.... I am till shortstacked but have a few chips to play with.

shooting star day 2

I was all in 3 times last round, and won the one that I had to show down, jj vs at all in preflop to dbl up. Up to 76k now. not where i want to be but much better than i as before. 72 players left, next update at 5pm.

shooting star day 2

This round started off rough but I was able to recover back up to 56k in chips. I did make one bad fold, but you have to make some of those sometimes.... I am now well below average but still reasonably deep (blinds are going to be 800-1600 with 75 ante after break). About 85 players remain,

shooting star

1st level of the 2nd day was uneventful. I have about the same chips that I started with. We did lose the bounty player at our table, Mike Matusow. Levels today are 90 minutes so look for next update at about 2pm Pst. about 100 players remain.

shooting star

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shooting star

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Shooting Star - Day 2

According to Card Player, there are 138 players remaining in the field from an original size of 376. 45 places will pay. I am ranked 29th out of the 138, although my chip stack is just a tad below average. The bubble will be around 7:30PM PST if similar to last year. Also, there are 16 bounty players remaining.

For those of you who are following on, the hand where I took the chip lead (briefly) was totally misreported. Here's what really happened. I started the hand with about 44K in chips, Thu had me covered. Blinds were 100-200.

Thu raised UTG to 700, I flat called in UTG+2 with 22, BB called.

Flop was A82, Thu bet out 1000. I meant to raise to 2500 (5 yellow chips) but grabbed
the wrong color chips (doh!) and raised to 5000 (5 blue chips) instead. He called
which I figured was AK, AQ or a set.

Q came on the turn, he checked, I bet another 5000, he reraised me to
15000, leaving me 13000 behind. He had me covered. I decided to call it down, and when the 9 came on river, Thu put me all in. I said "I'm not good enough to fold this" and called.

The comment about the yell was accurate. I received a warning for
excessive celebration. :-)

Here are details on the hand that I lost the lead. I had 7s6s in late position. Blinds are 150-300 with 25 ante. Guy to my right with about 40k in chips raises to 1100. I read this as a steal attempt but decide to call in position, because the big blind is a weak player and I want him in the hand. Big blind calls, flop comes 754 with two hearts. This is a pretty big flop for me, with top pair and an open ended straight draw. BB checks, original raiser c-bets 2000. I raise to 6000, which puts a total of about 12000 in the pot. BB now goes all in for a total of 29000, so it is 23000 for me to call into a pot of 41000. If BB has a set or a made straight, these are not proper odds (I need to be about 36% or better to win, and am only 25% to win vs. these hands)

Against the hand i was actually up against (Qh 7h for top pair plus a flush draw), I also had improper odds. But remember, BB was weak. I have seen him make very similar moves with overpairs, with or without flush draws. Against Ah Kh, I am even money (and have a huge overlay on the call), and I'm only a 45% dog against Ad Ac (overpair without a heart).

Another consideration in my call was this: the chip leader at the end of day 1 gets a $10,000 bonus (real money, not tournament chips). I felt this type of call was necessary to help build my stack aggressively to try to get that bonus (not to mention to further my position in the tournament). If I lost, the chips were going to a weak player, and I would still have a strong chip stack at the table.

So I made the call, but not help came. One friend I talked to hated both my flop raise and my big call... I would be interested in hearing other opinions.

OK time to get ready! Will send my next message from the casino.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

shooting star

well, I made it to day 2 with above average chips - 53400. Thanks to everyone for your support. game time tomorrow is again 10:30.

shooting star

made a bad bluff, knocked down to 38500. still have plenty of chips to be patient. 1 hr left to go....

shooting star

last break now, with 2 more hous of play before we are done for the day. I am at 63k in chips. average is 39K. 117 players remaining from todays original 230.

shooting star

not sure if my earlier posts made it, but i currently have 56k in chips. average is 30k. both bounties at my table are eliminated. i was briefly chipleader but lost a big pot shortl before break.

keep your fingers crossed...

shooting star

39000 at 2nd break, going in the right direction....

shooting star

after 2 hours I am up to 33000 in chips (started with 20000). good start, hope to keep it up. look for next update around 3Pm pst.

shooting star

Just arrived at the casino. I have two bounties at my table, Josh Arieh And Robert Williamson. tournament starts at 10:30...

Friday, March 7, 2008

bored at the eye doctor

So, I am sitting here waiting at the eye doctor and thought I would post a few words.

Watched the American Idol elimination episode last night. I was really sad to see A'siah go... she really struck me as having a lot of pop star potential, and she won me over on her audition episode. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the sad story. I do like David A, but man, that little chuckle he has bugs the shit out of me...

Played some 5-200 at GC for a bit last night. Holding 87 in the BB, loose utg limps, new player raises to 25, 3 callers, i call. I flop the nuts on a rainbow board, lead out for $50, called by the original raiser. The turn is a safe-looking 6. I bet $100, raiser goes all in, I call, he shows 65. Sigh. I guess thats why you raise with those hands, but.... never works that way for me. :( It was a great table though, and I bounced back from down $300 to only down $75.

oh one last hand. I raise one limper to $25 holding AKo. Called by 3 players including one megafish. Flop 322. I bet $60, megafish calls leaving $20 in his stack. He has been making that kind of call all night with crap, and I put him on kq or kj. J comes on turn, I put him all in, he calls and shows qj. no help on the river. sigh again. I run soooooo bad at GC 5-200.

bored at the eye doctor

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more hummingbird babies

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more hummingbird babies

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

MBA Interview and Shrinky Dinks

I had my final MBA interview yesterday at Haas (Berkeley). I felt like the interview went really well. The interviewer seemed to "get" my story and I came away with a much better vibe than from my Wharton interview. Now the waiting begins.
Berkeley: April 7
Wharton: April 15th

I've been saying (only half-jokingly) that I hope I get exactly 1 acceptance letter, since 2 leaves me with an extremely tough decision, and 0 would... well, 0 would suck.

Tonight was our weekly den meeting. I asked Sharon (my co-denleader) to prepare tonight's meeting since I've been so tired with the illness. She came up with Shrinky Dinks, which was actually pretty fun. Preheat your oven at 300 degrees, grab the plastic lid off of a takeout salad container, decorate it with colored Sharpies, pop it in the oven, and watch it shrink. Good times.

As you can see from the posted pictures, the baby hummingbirds hatched this morning. I wish I could have captured better pics, but you'll have to take my word for it... they are very cute.

Only a week to go until the Shooting Star. I'm feeling a little bit aloof about it, which worries me. Or maybe it's a good thing. I've been thinking quite a bit about how the bounties affect strategy, but I haven't come to real conclusions about how they will affect my play. I'm going to play some slightly higher buy-in tournaments online over the next week to try to acclimate to playing with more skilled players. My first attempt tonight was almost a success, but just before the money I lost a race with QQ vs AK.

I did win $400 last night playing 5-200 at 101 when I got back from Berkeley. Here's my hand of the night. I pick up AdKd on the button with about $250 in my stack. UTG is very deep, a pretty tight, straightforward guy who I've played against before. He raises to $15, everyone folds (yeah I know, table selection...), and I decide to flat call. Flop comes AQ3, no diamonds. He checks, which with him is either a monster or KK or JJ. Maybe TT. I bet $30 into the $40 pot, and he smooth calls. The turn card is a J, which I hate. He checks again and I check for pot control. The river pairs the 3, and he grabs a stack of chips, puts out $20, another $20, thinks a bit then puts another $20 out, thinks a bit more, then leaves the bet at $60.

Easy fold?

I almost laid it down getting not great odds, but curiosity got the better of me, and he showed QQ. While I was pretty disgusted with myself for the call, I think others would have lost more. Next week, in the Shooting Star, I gotta make that laydown...

TV... Two shows I'm really into right now are American Idol and HBO's In Treatment. Anyone else find David Cook's Rock-ization of Lionel Richie's "Hello" downright... creepy?

I wish I could post about stuff going on at work, but I'm a little nervous about offending people who might stumble upon this blog. I may start posting about work stuff in a restricted-access blog so that I can vent a bit.

Well, sorry for the rambling, but I am new at this. Please leave comments if you're reading so that I know I'm not talking to myself. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

mama hummingbird

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hummingbird babies

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Monday, March 3, 2008

First Post

We San Jose Migdols (as Grandpa Migdol loves to call us) have so much going on right now that I feel compelled to share. Here's just a sampling of what's going on:

Will is starting back with Soccer tomorrow, adding to Cub Scouts for his extracurricular activities.

Kayleigh is taking a break from dancing, but is taking Golf lessons and Cheerleading in addition to Girl Scouts.

Monique is rapidly approaching the end of her stint as Volunteer Recognition Lunch chair in the San Jose Junior League. Last Friday she got tagged at the last minute to act as event coordinator for the Fashion Show when the person who was supposed to do it got sick. Go, Monique.

And myself?
  • Recovering from a REALLY nasty flu which turned into bronchitis and an eye infection
  • Super busy at work working on an exciting new project
  • Making some progress with GooGooGram and excited about a possible partnership opportunity
  • Put up a webcam this weekend to highlight the hummingbird who has nested in our front yard. Check it out at (Don't forget the :81 !)
  • I'm applying to EMBA programs at Wharton and Berkeley-Columbia. My apps are all done, and my last interview is Monday afternoon. Wish me luck. Notifications are in mid-April.
  • I won a $10,000 entry into the World Poker Tour Shooting Star event here in San Jose. I begin play on March 11th, and will be posting updates here.
  • I've been trying to get an in-dash Navigation System installed into the Odyssey. My attempt at self-installation has failed so now I get the privilege of paying Fry's $150 to do it for me. :-(
Anyways, it's later, but I'll post more about my interview tomorrow... Have a great day!