Wednesday, April 23, 2008

America Voted and...

Wow, did they blow it this week. I must be totally out of tune with the American Public, because I just don't see how Jason Castro made it out of the bottom two. I'm completely floored. Who is voting for him? Do teenage girls somehow find him attractive? Or a good singer? Or does this guy just have a million cousins voting for him. I just don't get it... And then voting off Carly before Brooke? Huh?!?!

On a slightly different topic, my wife and I were watching the show last night (Tuesday), when suddenly she says, "hey, he was at Bouchon when we were there!". "Who?" I asked. "Him!" she pointed. It was Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. There are very few celebrities who I would bother for an autograph if I saw them in public -- he would have been one of them. Too bad Monique didn't recognize him at the time.

We also saw Michael J Fox by the craps tables. I didn't ask him for an autograph...

Hey, who here is reading from ? Most of my referrals are coming from there, and I'm really curious what it is. Could someone leave a comment and let me know?


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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How am I running?

I know I just won the Wynn tournament, but jeez even in that tournament I ran bad. I busted out of GC tourney today with AK vs A3 all in preflop. And check this out from the HORSE heads up match I just played:

PokerStars Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind t100 (2 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from (Format: HTML)

Hero (t1941)

Button (t1059)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 6s, 8h.

Button calls, Hero checks.

Flop: (2 SB, t200) Qh, Th, 9s (2 players)

BB bets, Button raises, Hero calls.

Turn: (3 BB, t600) 9h (2 players)

Hero checks, Button bets, Hero calls.

River: (5 BB, t1000) Jh (2 players)

BB bets, Button raises, BB 3-bets, Button calls t159 (All-In).

Final Pot: 10.59 BB (t2118)

Results in white below:

Hero has 6s 8h (straight flush, queen high).

Button has Kh Kd (straight flush, king high).

Outcome: Button wins 10.59 BB (t2118).

and two hands later...

PokerStars Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind t100 (2 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from (Format: HTML)

Hero (t482)

Button (t2518)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 9h, Ac.

Button raises, BB 3-bets, Button caps, Hero calls.

Flop: (8 SB, t800) 9s, 4c, 9c (2 players)

Hero checks, Button bets, Hero calls t82 (All-In).

Turn: (4.91 BB, t982) Jd (2 players, 1 all-in)

River: (4.91 BB, t982) Kh (2 players, 1 all-in)

Final Pot: 4.82 BB (t964)

Results in white below:

Hero has 9h Ac (three of a kind, nines).

Button has Jh 9d (full house, nines full of jacks).

Outcome: Button wins 4.91 BB (t982).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Vegas Friday

What a cool vacation we are having. We slept in yesterday, then met our friends for brunch over at the Terrace Cafe at the Wynn, having decided to play in the $125+one $100 rebuy tournament over at the poker room there. Our brunch was highlighted by everyone dropping their forks repeatedly, and Larry's phobia of the little sparrows that were flying all over the patio where we were eating.

After signing up for the tournament, I sat down at a $1-$3 NL table. I limped in with Q5 of diamonds, and totally misread a guy who led out the AQ3 flop with 2 clubs. I flat called the flop, then raised the turn which made a 3-flush but also gave me a wheel draw. The nice thing about that play is that he may lay down an A, he may lay down a better Q, and if he reraises me I can easily get out. But he flat called, and when I made my wheel on the river, he checked again. I bet the pot (about $90), and he called instantly, tabling the Jack-high flush. Not a good start to the day.

The tournament was a lot of fun. The Wynn structure is pretty good for the money -- you get a total of 8K in chips and 30 minute levels that go up very slowly. The only negative point is that they only break every 2 hours. Larry, Dave, and I were all at the same table. (Richard and Ralph were also in the tournament). I busted Larry with pocket 9's after he raised, Dave flat called, and I shoved for 20xBB. Richard was unfortunate when his K-high flush ran into the nut flush.

I'm still trying to figure out how I survived the first 3 hours of the tournament, which featured:
- Losing a big pot in which the money went in on the turn on a 238A board. I had 45, the other guy had A2.
- Losing a big pot with AA vs a K6 all-in PF
- Twice getting all-in PF with AK vs. KQ and having Q come in the window

My luck finally changed, however. I was all-in with 55 against KQ. A king came on the flop and I was getting up to leave when a 5 spiked on the turn. After that, I won 2 more big pots and was tourney leader. Then, on one hand, the button raised my big blind all in for about 3xBB. (We're playing with Antes, BTW) I look down at...6 of diamonds and 3 of diamonds. I burst out laughing, and of course the table thinks I'm insane. The antes make this a better than 2-1 call, and I do so. I'm up against K2 and all of a sudden I have a huge chip lead. The table began talking chop, and I agreed to take $1450 of the ~$8500 pool with 7 players left.

I went straight to the tournament to join Ralph & Larry and their wives for dinner at Country Club at the Wynn, which bills itself as "A New American Steakhouse." This was a really amazing meal, and I highly recommend this restaurant. We started off with a cheese fondue appetizer. I had some raw oysters (April is a -ber month, isn't it?), and for Entree had their special dry-aged New York Strip. Monique had the Sea Bass. The sides were really good, too. My favorite was the Truffle Creamed Spinach.

After dinner, we hit the blackjack tables. We hit a good run early and left the table up $350. Then, a good run at the craps table put us up $600 for our gambling for the night. Instead of going to bed, however, we went to the poker room exhausted, never a good idea, and blew $300 of our winnings.

I've decided to play the Venetian $500 buy-in tournament today, so wish me luck!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Vegas Baby!

Monique and I are enjoying a well-deserved long weekend in Vegas with some friends of ours. One of these friends is an "Invited Guest" at Palazzo, and he was able to get us a great rate. So that's we're staying we're staying. The hotel itself is amazing. The hotel only opened 3 months ago, but we haven't seen any real glitches yet....

For dinner last night we went to Bouchon a French restaurant in the Venetian. The restaurant is on the 10th floor and overlooks a beautiful courtyard -- the night was perfect for an outdoor meal. Despite having made reservations and arriving 10 minutes early, we had to wait about 20 minutes for our table, which was annoying. The service was extremely sloppy -- they did things like take away our butter knives while leaving the bread and butter. The food was pretty good, but not enough to make up for the poor service. We shared a watercress and endive salad and a garlic cream soup. Monique had gnocci, and I settled for saffron mussels after learning that my first choice (a scallop special) was sold out. I give the atmosphere 5 stars, the food 3 1/2 stars, and the service 2 stars.

After dinner we met up with our friends in the Venetian poker room. Monique and I were able to quickly get seated at 1-2 No Limit. I had only $275 with me, so Monique bought in for $100 and I bought in for the rest. It was Monique's first time playing no-limit in a casino, and she did OK. In one hand, she called a $12 MP raise from the BB and was heads up. When the flop cam Qxx, she led out, and the raiser raised to $30. The turn was another rag and she check-called a $35 bet. On the river, a K came and she check-called another $25. I was expecting to see her QJ lose to KQ, but they chopped the pot holding AQ!

We won enough to pay for the pricey meal and turned in. The plan today is for Monique to go shopping with "the girls", while I find a tournament to play in.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday Spread Silliness

Well, it was a disappointing week, but I ended it with two fun sessions of poker. Friday night was my friend Ed's monthly home game. I busted out of the tournament early with JJ against AA, but with a personal record-low # of rebuys (1). So I was down $60, but ran ridiculously hot in the following cash game, including scooping 3 High-Low pots. As usual, we ended the night with a hand of Indian Poker. I was first to act and saw no cards higher than a 6! I decided the guy on my left (holding a deuce) would see this as well and bet out, even if I was the only high card. So I decided to checkraise him. He led out for $3 which was called by one other player (holding the 6) , then Ed (on my right, holding a 5) re-raised to $10! Last time he did this, he was trying to unsuccessfully get me to fold my A, so I re-raised to $20. The deuce CALLED, and Ed called, and my 10 was good. Good times. So I ended up $70 in the cash game, and $10 net for the night.

Last night I went in to Garden City and was pleased to quickly get a seat at a table with one of my favorite LAG (loose aggressive) players who has about $1500 in front of him. Over the course of the night, his stack went back and forth between $300 and $1500. A typical hand with him would be he would raise (in any position) to $20 or $25, 5 or 6 people would either flat call or limp re-raise him. He would call ANY re-raise - I saw him do this with T8o and T6s! And then basically mix it up on the flop, but usually applying full pressure by betting $200 (the max). There were at least 5 $1000+ pots with him involved, and he ended up the night with over $2000.

I won a couple of doozies with him, including one in which he checkraised me ($200 of course) on a Kxx board (I had AK, he had AQ), one in which I value-bet with TPTK on a Q-high board on the river, and called his checkraise (he instamucked). I did lose one big one when I called a raise from this guy with 95s in the BB (yeah I know, mistake #1). The flop was all paint (meaning it probably missed him), and gave me a flush draw. My plan was to check call the flop and check raise the turn; if I got re-raised I would still have odds to call and see the river. (Albeit for an expensive $600!). The turn, however, was an offsuit Q, making the board AKJQ. So instead I checked and he bet "only" $125. I called like a wimp, and the river was an offsuit 9. I checked and when he bet $200, I succumbed. He showed 62o!

I did make one really good call. I limped with black 9's (planning to reraise against the maniac), but instead, a good, fairly tight player on my left raised to $25. 3 people called and I decided to just call. The flop came T77 with 1 heart. The raiser was last to act, and I figured I would wait and see what he (and the rest of the field, if he bet) did. He checked. Now the turn was the Q of hearts (making a two flush. The maniac led out for $25, which I read as weak. Folded to me, and I decided to raise $100 . The opening raiser flat called. Huh? I couldn't believe he would check the flop and flat call the turn with any real hand like QQ or JJ. TT maybe? Anyways, the LAG quickly folded and I was HU with the turn was an offsuit rag, and I checked. The raiser quickly bet $100 into the $300 pot. I interrogated him a bit and finally decided he had AK of hearts or KQ of hearts (giving him flush + straight draw + overs on the turn) and called. He showed KQ of hearts and I won the pot.

At one point I was up $1600, but lost almost half of that trying to "tag the LAG" one last time. But it was a fun, pleasant table.

I haven't heard anything from either waitlist yet. I did get a couple of additional recommendations submitted to the BCEMBA program (which solicited additional application material in their waitlist letter). Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Waitlist #2

Got the bad news today that I have been waitlisted at BCEMBA (Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA) as well. Unlike Wharton, however, BCEMBA encourages waitlistees to submit additional application material, so I'm going to get an additional recommendation and a "pick me, pick me, please please please please" letter together. I also reached out to my network for suggestions and have found a couple of Haas alum who are going to help me with some advice.

It's better than two dings, I suppose. But it shore does suck not knowing where I stand in either program.

Had a nice little run at Garden City tonight, up about $950 playing 8-16. Things started badly, when I posted my big blind with 73, flopped trips, and lost to same trips, better kicker. But I was patient and recovered nicely. I also got to answer another set of "hey, wasn't that you in the final 4 tables at the Shooting Star? What happened on your last hand" questions.

And on my last hand, UTG, I pick up 6d 3d.

Mucked it.

my son is such a ham

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